Jun 18, 2011

KL Gangster memang saya kasi 1000 bintang!

Assalammualaikum dan hai.  Percaya tak percaya akhirnya saya migrain untuk pertama kalinya di Semester 5.  Muntah-muntah dah ni .  Stress je ni sebenarnya.   Tapi kudrat untuk update hari ni berkobar-kobar, Sorry busy sebab tu balas jejak lambat-lambat. Nah saya belanja coki-coki setiap orang yang pernah komen entry sebelum ni. Hehehe.


 Ain pinjam watak abg Nazirul Hazwan jap eh.  Boleh kan? Hehe.

146 komens:

syana mizwateva said...

alahai...comel la....swit sgt...hehe

suzialfredshin said...

comels !! hehe..

Anna said...

sweet nyeee....
yg best kat majok tu..

Anonymous said...

sweetnyeeeee part last 2 , haha ;p

Ceiler Mun said...

hhaha.. comey je entry ni ^^

AfiqahZ said...

alololo comelnya :D

Amalina Azman said...

alolololo sweetnyaaaaaa :')

bact. said...

gengster terguris rupanya

Yong said...

wah..ayat kijam kijam dalam surat. igt dah lari ikut abg 'taf'(tough). rupanya romatik terlebih dos. hahaha
caya lah ain.
n ramai dok puji cter kl gengster best.
hohoho serius tu magrin sampai muntah2. mkn ubat n rehat ye, jgn stress...i'm never feel one, n mintak jauh dari penyakit. alhamdulillah dah bertahun-tahun tak kena demam.hehehe

syazwani ab said...

muntah2 ?? take ur time okayy :)
part jijan memang tak boleh blah !
pics last comel alolololo , haha

Syazwan Che Deraman said...


elon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
K said...

alolololor, sweet nye XD

p/s : ain RCMS ke?

Pink said...

alolololo shuweetnyaaa >,<

dak eina said...

kemain lagi ain skang eh.. huhu

Faiz Tapit said...

hahaah. cumil2

bantalbucuk said...

aauuuwww...!!! so sweeettt.... ^_^

Ecah Shafiee said...

haha..boleh lak mood jiwang2 last2 tu yer..alolololo..

NFE. said...

comel lah ain.hehe

iwan_dextrous said...

hihihih...sweet seyh

husnaradzi said...

omegeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .
abg nazirul hazwan ! omey omey omey!
serious terbantut terus nk tgk kl gengster . agagaga

*tgh tunggu kl gangster keluar kt tinet je . download . hehe

Aujinz said...

alololo.. suweeet... hahahhaha

caliph shuriken said...

dasat ayat pujuk last tu, hikk...

Mr.Superman said...

phewittt...:) bgs2..tahu da spe bju hijau tu. ;)

Areyoudys said...

as salam..

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alahai..comel je jalan cerita~
baru nampak ain udpate ;)

terima kasih berkongsi pendapat,cerita dan teguran~

Entri Terbaru Pakcik :

Hukum Menconteng.kamu hado??

pakcik baru update entri kat blog lagi satu jap tadi. kat sini :

Google New Service! reverse image search

ha! bawah ni, percubaan pakcik untuk melukis. datang tengok jika sudi ;)

kartun oh kartun

Fika Rozaidi said...

Eeeeee kenapa sweet sgt ni???? xtough pun xpe asalkan syg. haha

cintailmu89 said...


btw,new hupdate..hehe

>> http://cintailmu89.blogspot.com/2011/06/ohsuperbike-ku.html

izzy eizara said...

hahahax...abg ketulketul makin jd idaman kah..
btw..nice entry..
simple but sweeeeeeeeet mcm lollipop ^^

Lieyda Sabri said...

ee serious touching. hukhuk

CikPuan Fara said...

alala comel yer doodle. tapi itular realiti hidup. walaupun pasangan kita tak sekacak dan sekaya seth tan tapi dialah org terbaik Allah swt anugerah kat kita =)

teha said...

hahaha !like ! :)

Unknown said...

alololo ngajok lak die ;p

Hang Leo said...

ain zulaikha taste orang tough2 ni..hehehe

ezy.fia said...

sweet nye laki majok..

Anonymous said...

p/s : even pages kakanda ain zulaikha berat. ku gagahkan juga menunggu loading nye. hee.

comel entri ni ;D

Ayeem Jemain said...

baju hijau tu kenapa takde balong? kah3

zoul said...

uishh....dalam hati ada taman rupanya...:D

Alia Syaza :) said...

soo sweet aloloo.. hehe :)

Terbelog said...

x tgk muvi tu lg..tu blurr2 ckit psl katun tu hehe

Rawkzell said...

haha :)

YanSaflina said...

itu saye suke!

jaya jr said...

haha..panjang..macam komil..nah 1000 bintang..kui3

Fizah Ibrahim said...

Alolo, comey gileeee, hehe

red gitarputeh said...

haha. pandai pulak dia nak pujuk balik. HAHA :P (lelaki ego sikit)^^

Ummi Alesya Sofea said...

:) hihi,lucu + sweet..hrp2 Ain sudi ke blog akak plk.

Abu Bagi said...

apasal aku tengok setiap pic ni dlm keadaan tersengih sengih..peliknya, kiut lucu...hahahahaha

Wanie said...

hahaha..jiwang lak ain mlm ni..

xtgk lagi kl gangster..

Unknown said...

alololo..sweetnya...nak majuk2 pulak yer..kan awak tu peyayang,penyabar..jgn majuk2 yer..sy syg awak..hahaha

p/s meyambung ayat..kl gangster mmg the best!

James Alexander said...

definitely cute...

kaizen said...

bf majok ea...huhuhu

Daddylicious said...

semua org bagi bintang banyak...terpaksa la pergi tengok ni

♥ Cik Puan Pinky ♥ said...

comel nyeeeeeeee (^^,)

kura said...

amboir. kak ayn culaika. romentik gittew! haha..

hoh. comels je laki tu merajuk. mcm kura, sopan je. *angkat bakul sudaaaa hahahaha

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Pure Lily said...

adehh..kiut giler ~

Cipina said...

alololo...merajuk dia comel jek

ismimaizura said...

cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee gilerrrr!! so sweettttt lah...hehe

nazirulhazwan~ said...

Aww,abg tough wooo.hehe maseh adik ain:D tp gmbr abg tu x emsem sgt la.HAHA nway,best mcm biase.hehe:D

trigyy said...

hahhahha... snggup wt cmtu kt si baju hjau yea... hahha

Nur_Shekyn said...

gila comei!!suka nya..nggee^^

[sutera kasih] said...

belum tgk lagi huhu

maisarah sarah said...

part zizan mmg best.kelakar sgt..dan part zizan kena tikam memang sedih.huwaaa..

*lu mau guna kerat lu 18 baru lu tau erti penyesalan ka.hehehe

Yuyu said...

sangat cumelllll lorhhhhh...

APi said...

very nice.. ^^

eLLa said...

aaahhh swwweeetnyer

Botak said...

tak tengok lagi kl gangster., takde mase., hahahaha..

Siti Safiyyah said...

ececehh majuk la sangat.. hehe. ^__^

Sufy said...

hahahhhh...abg aaron aziz sentiasa di ingatan tpi x tgk lgi kl gangster tuh..:)

tubelawak said...

jiwang nak mati

nik lan nik mat said...

cite betul ke ni?

farah wahedda said...

alololo manjeenyeee jejaka tu =)

nabByla said...

ain, nak tahu somthing x? nabilah baru jew pas tgk citer kl gangster nie. n nabilah da ckp kat bf lbh krg dlm citer ain nie. kikih3!

siap tnya bf ada ada buat senamn tgn x? sbb org tgk aaron aziz dlm movie tue smart gle. kikii...
tapi bf nabilah xda la merajok kot. dia tukar topik len. haha! :P

ksmpulannya, mmg best la citer tue. heee.. :D

Anonymous said...

pakwe baca senyum sampai telinga

A retarded kitty said...

banyaknya gula.

Anak Wak Mail said...

best ke KL gangster ni??nak tgoklah..hehe

alolo..comelnya merajuk...kakakaka.=)

enyheartsdiamond said...

alololo cutenya! <3

saya suka adiputra! :D

ak1 said...

brader tu x tough pun...huh..!!

Liyana Zahim said...

Dop tgk lg cite neh.. Kt tgk pirates of caribean ngan dylan dog.. Oh mnggu ni bz sunggoh tadek mase tgk wyg.. Herhehr..

emieysandra said...

haha..ade2 je ain ni..uhuk3..last2, happy ending ;)

deeya said...

ain ......! suweet sangat kamu .. semoga kekal bhagia k sayam :)

cik qiqilala said...

suke..... nak boifren mcm nih jgkkkkkkk.. :P

anisnuratikah said...

so sweet,comey...suke,suke,suke :)



Fathiah Hamim said...

aaaaa comey nyaaaa. so maniss!

syafiqahbaharom said...

comel sgt...terlekat dihati :P :)

Raden said...

pndai plak nk majok2..pang kang haa

+sumandak+ said...

tak sempat tgk ,tiket habes dijual ,dpt tgk entry dia pn cukp laa .
comell sgtt~~

kAkUnA_tHe KeLip KeLiP said...

alolololo.......COMEL NYEEEE...ehheeh..

Fyqa said...

hahaha! comey gila !!!

Rina Rahamat said...

mana coki-coki? akak x dpt pon..

semua ckp kl gangster tu best..nnt nk tgk kt astro first jelah..

Syafiq_Elf said...

Alolo .. Sweetnya .. Hehe ..
Adk suka watak dlm entry kali ini .. ^_^

you-know-who said...

Comel je :D

Siapa nak dress, novel, topup , duit , headphone dll .Jum join contest ni!


Pink Frogy said...

ehem ehem, "memang awk tak Tough mcm mereka tp awk, adalah pencuri hati class pertama saya.. "

Sharifah Aniza Ali said...

alalalalala...suweeetttt sgt....makaceh tuk coki2..tp simpan tuk bbka nnt lah..hehe

YouSOF said...

Jep Sepah :
hehehehe manisnya kurma ini.. ;))

Agak² berapa lama je la lelaki merajuk kalau nak banding pompuan yang rajinnnnn merajuk tu kan..

hamzah ian said...

ain comel


alahai... hahaha.. cute bebenor..

~syue syada~ said...

suka yang alololo tu~ heee

sama je mcm saya wat.. ^^

ahmad endo said...

senyum sorang2 plak aku tengok doodle kali ni...terer sungguh...hahaha

Solihin Zubir said...

knapa mesti naz sewel tu? hahaha..

ok.. baju hijau tu saya! ;-p

Unknown said...

boleh jatuh cinta buat kali kedua bila bf dia baca entri ni.

MISS MURNI said...

huhuu..so sweet~

MISS MURNI said...

huhuu..so sweet~

najihah sahami said...


rNesZaiNe said...

Ain ! Suuuweeetttttt sangat lah ^.^

cik fikaa said...

alahai sangat comel !

M Fizan said...

hahahahahaha..sweet teramat sangat cik ain :)

Shida Radzuan said...

hehhe..nice story ain hehe..ingt btol2 xmau siAbg tu ekekke :P

MIMIE AIZA said...

alahaiii.. dah ada yeaaa :p

hamzah ian said...

aku benci naz.. hahahaha

iniialahaku said...

kenapa mesti naz termasuk dalam watak??kenapa2...kenapa????hahaha...

ann dhaniah said...

alolo..tomeynyee..nak wat mcm tu la kat bf..hehe

Pyka Rahmat said...

semua kata cerita ni best oh.

Abu Huzaifah said...

aduhai... terbaik lah cik ain... comel doodle 2... nak sain...hehe

Fatin Diana said...

Alololo, comel gila! Sweet ohh

Ze_Mhis said...

hahahahaha... comel... siap merajuk lagi... awwwww

terbaru: adeakutanyakau???????

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Fairuz Zainal said...

alololoo majk pulak. haha

Mr.She said...

hee.. comel la.. n__n

fifianggun said...

hehe,,sweet gila

Izyan Masri said...


: husna : said...

alolololoooo...tomey2...merajuk ye bang...haha

PADLE said...

asal sweet sangat entri ni..keh3

syufaa said...

sweetnye!!!! ^_^

Encik Psychopath said...

sooo cuwit.

De Mois said...

ohoiiiii..SS tak nak baca la entry ni. sebab SS dengar ramai cakap cerita ni sedap tapi SS belom tengok lagi

Menarik di SuaraSendiri
Pengulas sukan buat hal

Iznie said...

ahaha...comel + sweet sangat! suka tengok....

Seth tan said...

hehe..sweet je jalan cerita..naz mana ade tough mcm tuh..hehe..:)

Berita Bola Johor said...

yes sis ! kL gangster mmg terbaek ! 5 bintang :)

gds said...

awwww, sweet gituuu

blog-tips-kurus said...

saya tak sempat tengok lagi.. :(

adan said...

sweet jer romantik story ni...

Cik Amni said...

alolololo.. comel nya la..... hikss.. suka2!

khadijah said...

alala comelnye.. sweet sgt..:)

scya lollita said...

alololo cuwitnye laki mjok lelele

Unknown said...

huuuu..beratus komen..

Syahida said...

awww, sangat sweet. :)

suha said...

alolo comel (^_^)

LIFE is KARTUN said...

lukisan cantik.owner blog cantik. 1000 bintang :)


Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

nak tgk..tp selalu tiket sold out T__T

dzafira said...

Biarpun dia tak tough macam fahrin ahmad tapi dia tetap menjadi pujaan hati... Saya rasa pujaan hati Ain Zulaikha romantik orgnye cuma dia tak reti nak tunjuk je... huhu ;)

Cik Bambam said...

comelnyaaaaa bf dia.. :)


pilotHans said...

br ngk kt lappy smalam kot..not bad laa...

LePaK SiNi said...

kreatif btol..teruskan menulis...